In 2017, America’s Test Kitchen (ATK), the acclaimed media group dedicated to finding the very best recipes for home cooks through its television shows, magazines, cookbooks, and online cooking school, moved into its exciting headquarters and studios in Boston’s Seaport. As an extension of this historic move, ATK, opened the doors of its brand new state-of-the-art facilities to host ATK Boston EATS, an exciting two-day festival bringing together a incredible roster of local chefs, producers, artisans, educators and thousands of eaters to participate in a delicious lineup of events, including tastings, cooking demonstrations, panels and more. After an extensive PR & marketing campaign carried out by 44, including securing press about the media brand’s new home, the festival quickly became one of the most sought after weekend events of the fall season and soon after, spawned a second edition to take place in Seattle, WA. ATK Boston EATS later grew to a 3-day event, opening the door for even more talented chefs and restaurants from the Boston area to participate and helping to shape itself as one of the most celebrated culinary festivals of the year. Below, you will find a snapshot of our 2017 and 2019 press campaigns.